**She's here. The cute and lovingly pushy sidekick you've been waiting for. Your AGELESS REBEL playbook and journal, guiding you on your journey to life without AGE.


What's it about?

Aging. Actually no, it's about not to.

What if dwindling into OLD is a make belief?

What if the holy grail of forever young lives within you and you can discover and ride with it into the sunrise not the sunset? If you are scared of your first crows feet or yet another freaking wrinkle,  afraid to one day be frail, obsolete, isolated, irrelevant and invisible cause you’re getting “old” you found us because you had to; because we'll help. 

"What if" has magical powers. It changes our reality and impossible is suddenly possible.

We have the power to see things differently. We have the power to retrain our brain and transform our body. We can discover our true essence and free our soul to dance with crazy joy. We recycle the negative voices of others, our dark thoughts and negative feelings and use their energy to reinvent our mindset.

The Ageless Rebellion has arrived. Your powers are waiting for you to own them.

Both, my book Honey, you are ageless and her twin, the online course will change your life; they have changed mine and those who hopped onto the Beta train. That's crazily exciting.

But they will only be out in February and we couldn't wait. We want action and would like you to get a start on your own journey to amazingness.

The Ageless Rebel workbook and journal is your kickass sidekick, who makes commitment and discipline a happy ride into the sunrise. Your sidekick is here to empower you every step on your way.

If you had it with aging, your miraculously magical mind managed to get you smack in the middle of like minded people. We live in very similar skin. The workbook gets you into our private Facebook group where you can bitch, moan and celebrate your successes; every little baby step is a proof of your courage. You get help from the experts and your tribe, it's so much more fun to be a warrioress with a tribe.

We don't go down the road to OLD, we go on an adventure instead.



What's in it?

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A treasure chest of options to add health, beauty, fitness and magic to your day

There's plenty to chose from to work the alchemy of mind, body, soul and spirit


A weekly and monthly planner to implement your dares, goals and actions

Plan your week of active self-love, exercise your beauty, magic and powers.

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A daily planner and journal where reflection becomes action with lot's of inspiration for your lifestyle adventures

Your rebel side kick opens up space for creativity, inside and page-wise. It has never been so much fun to step into your powers.

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I burnt my birth certificate (a copy) on my 60's birthday 'cause age is just a silly number. What makes me the expert? Check me out.

I burnt my birth certificate (a copy) on my 60's birthday 'cause age is just a silly number. What makes me the expert? Check me out.